

My name is Yohei Shirai. I started my photography business in 2016, and have now expanded into working with video as well as still photography. Although I have only became a professional in 2016 my interest in photography goes back more than 15 years. When I started my business I thought a lot about the need to separate my artistic work, where I photograph subjects as and when I want, from my commercial work where I must respond quickly and efficiently to my clients’ needs. As time has passed I have realized that both are a source of stimulating ideas and both let me meet all sorts of interesting people, and now I find no contradiction in taking photographs both as a business and a hobby.

We now live a life surrounded by images. When I started as a photographer we still used film cameras, and even now photography is still a developing art form. Since the development of the internet and social networking we have become surrounded by photographs and video, however I think it will take a long time before we can say that we are surrounded by high quality photographs and video. In order to produce truly worthwhile images one must spend time studying, looking and feeling, and bold ideas will sometimes be necessary. Good photographs, photographs that move us and remain in our memories, these are the sort of pictures that I try to take, and that I would like everyone to be surrounded by. I would like everyone to be intimate with, stimulated by and moved by the images that they use and own.

My business has initially focused on architectural and interior design photography (mainly residential and retail, related to real estate development projects, preservation of historic buildings etc.). The business will continue to focus on this but I also intend to develop new images using both video, computer graphics and software as well as traditional analog techniques, and expand into design, fashion, art, portrait and product launch photography. I will take photographs and video to suit every event and purpose.

→About Yohei SHIRAI

Company Overview

Company NameYohei SHIRAI Photo Office
EstablishedSince 2016
RepresentativeYohei Shirai (Photograper・Videographer)
Number of projectsMore than 200
ClientsArchitects, Real-estate developers,Construction consultants, Lighting manufacturers, Universities, Design studios, Advertising agencies, Individual shops etc.
AddressTokyo , JAPAN
Scope of operationBased in Tokyo we accept work from both Japan and overseas.